• Ohexperience

    Divine Feminity with Ms. J

    This gorgeous Beauty sent me this at the beginning of the year and I am just getting around to posting it. I have been all over the place and have finally stopped to smell the roses. Or at least stop to upload this Beautie’s images and videos. Her spirit was amazing and she personified being her authentic self. Check it out below! Tell me in the comments which image is your favorite.

  • Ohexperience

    Empowered Woman – Ms.P

    How was it not should be the question! 2019 has been a deep year of introspection and tapping into my personal power. Participating in this shoot was an integral part of this work. It was a creative way to tap into the divine feminine–the inner goddess in a fully empowering and safe way. I needed something decadent and luxurious for my spirit and the Oh So Experience was it. I have always had an inner sex appeal that I want to cultivate as a part of my confident grown woman brand; I believe this experience will certainly help with this journey. 

    Olesha is super encouraging – I felt like Naomi Campbell in real life and not just in my head. She helps you push through into the bold and provocative while still helping me feel comfortable in my skin. I did a photo series in a sheer bathrobe that would have been outside my comfort zone normally but I really felt the beauty of my curves and feminity.  I truly loved it.

    I did. I was nervous about the photos being too risque or out of alignment with my brand as a professional marketer but the photos turned out to very beautiful, classy, and revealing about my true self—not the professional cover I put on to appear safe in the world.

    Drop any reservations you have and just go for it – life as far as we know only happens once so it’s best to just enjoy it, have fun and live in your power one adventure at a time.

  • Ohexperience

    Empowered Woman – Mrs. T

    My boudoir experience empowered me to not only love my adult body but to be unapologetic about it, make no excuses for it and to just enjoy and love being ME!
    My favorite part was the girl talk while prepping for the shoot. We talked about dating, self care, life, etc. and went LOVE so others could join in. It really felt like a good girlfriends getting together to have girl talk, get dressed up and take pictures. A very personable experience for what can be a very intimate and intimidating space for people.
    I would tell others preparing for the shoot to be COMFORTABLE WITH THE UNCOMFORTABLE, your slay depends on it lol! Seriously, even with all of the direction Olesha gave I had a ball because I let go, and she captured who I am at this stage in my life; which is sexy and unapologetically me!
  • Ohexperience

    Empowered Woman-Ms.R

    The boudoir experience has empowered me by being able to feel even more comfortable showing a bit more skin. Feeling sexier, although I am not in my “goal” body at the moment! Lol It also helped my model skills enliven and made me comfortable and receptive to future gigs/shoots.

    My favorite part of the experience/shoot was during scene & wardrobe changes. I enjoyed all of my looks that Olesha curated specifically for me as well as seeing the creative process of the scene changes. I am a very visual person so I appreciated that. But, I also enjoyed my makeup application (as well as meeting the talented make up artist), and the fact that the room was set up for me with my name on the door, goodies, and great wine!

    One thing to mention to other Beauties about doing their own experience is that Olesha is very accommodating and comforting. The entire shoot process and the way it unfolds is totally up to you. So you lead the way. This was great because it was my first boudoir shoot and I was apprehensive about it initially because of feeling like I didn’t have the “photo shoot body”. 

    Overall the shoot was a great experience and I’m glad I opened myself up to experience this. I am now comfortable with working with Olesha for any future projects. 

  • Ohexperience

    Empowered Women – Ms. A

    The boudoir experience made me feel like a goddess. I felt uplifted and encouraged to embrace my vulnerability and divine feminine energy.

    Overall the best memory I had was dancing like nobody was watching. I love to dance, it always makes me feel free, being able to do so without judgement made me feel even more comfortable and open.

    I did have some reservations because I hadn’t been in front of a camera in a long time, almost 10 years. I wasn’t sure which poses I should do or if I should pose at all. That went right out the window because Olesha walked me through each shot. She showed poses and then allowed me to build upon that and do what felt natural. That was a breath of fresh air and removed that awkwardness.

    Let this experience be another form of self care. Allow it to show you how much courage you truly have. You are worthy of feeling and being sexy, beautiful and powerful. What Olesha does is so different than any photoshoot I’ve ever done. She will be sure you are comfortable and supported and put you in the best light possible. 

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