• Boudoir Tips,  Healing Journey


    test: 4 ways to get sexy for a boudoir experience.Black woman in pink bra looking off to the side.

    For each consultation I always ask my Beauties, my clients, to use 3 to 4 words that describe who they are at this time in their life. Rarely does the word sexy come up. I have heard pretty, helpful, resilient, kind, and even beautiful, but rarely sexy. With this in mind I have decided to write this blog post on 4 WAYS TO GET SEXY FOR A BOUDOIR EXPERIENCE! I even made sure to post images. Enjoy!

    Text: 1. lose weight, black woman in blue night gown with her hand on her butt and head thrown back smiling.4 ways to get sexy for a boudoir experience.

    1. Lose Weight

    We all in some form or fashion have had a friend, family member or even a complete stranger say we need to lose weight. If we just lost a little weight we would look better. Or recently I heard if so and so lost weight they could get and keep a man. Whew child! Those people are not your friends and even family can get a side-eye and blocked. SEXY HAS NO SIZE! Sexy, like confidence, is a state of mind. No amount of weight loss will make you feel sexy if you don’t believe it.

    Text: 2 dont smile. Black woman smiling at the camera with red lipstick and her hand on her head. 4 ways to get sexy for a boudoir experience.

    2. Don’t Smile

    During the initial consultation, we are laughing and having an amazing time getting to know each other. That same energy is carried into the actual experience. Joy is sexy. Laughter is sexy. Being happy is sexy! A boudoir experience is one way to honor your body as it is now. Your body is a work of art. It nourishes you, it has kept you alive during this pandemic. It needs to be celebrated. We need to look at our bodies and smile.

    text: 3. straighten your hair.4 ways to get sexy for a boudoir experience.

    3. Straighten Your Hair

    For special occasions throughout our history getting our hair pressed was a rite of passage. You have seen the memes around Easter of the hot comb. Or having to straighten your hair to look more presentable to get that job interview. Discrimination around our hair is very real and alive and well. Our hair is a beautiful reflection of who we are whether it be braided, relaxed, cornrowed, etc. All of these styles are sexy because we make them sexy. You make them sexy.

    Text: Only Wear Lingerie. black woman sit-in gone he floor in a gold bra with her arm on her knee.

    4. Only Wear Lingerie

    When it comes to a boudoir experience you are in total control of what you place on your body. Lingerie is not really my jam. I love a good silk robe or my waistbands and nothing at all. That is my version of getting sexy. Yes, I have a full client closet with lingerie from sizes 5XL to XS. I also have sweaters, dress shirts, tank tops, crop tops, and t-shirts. Just like Black & Brown womxn come in all forms and shades, your sexy look should be a reflection of you.

    test: 4 ways to get sexy for a boudoir experience.Black woman in pink bra looking off to the side.

    To use these 4 ways to get sexy for a boudoir experience and began your journey of sexy on your on terms click here.

    Check out the conversation on Instagram here.

    images of the same Black women with the name Olesha spelled out in the center

  • A day in the life of Olesha,  Self Portraits

    Radical Self Care as a Black woman

    black woman sitting with a tulle robe on hugging herself.Radical Self Care as a Black woman

    Radical Self Care as a Black woman. You know how you never realize you need something until you actually experience it? Like you never realize how heavy the shit is you are carrying until someone else brings it up. I decided to take this vacation because little by little I was slowly falling apart. My body, my spirit, and my mind were all in flux. I had so many ideas running through my head and felt like I couldn’t decide on anything. So many projects happening at one time and I decided to just lay my burdens down because it was getting too heavy.

    black woman on a balcony with her hand on her break and leaning back in a chair.Radical Self Care as a Black woman

    The relief I felt was like, when you gotta pee and you finally make it to the commode. That intense relief that almost feels like an orgasm (or maybe it’s just me 🤷🏾‍♀️). I felt that as soon as I made it to my room. That relief intensified the next morning as I sat on the balcony and just breathed. My shoulders relaxed and I felt peace. No dms, no notifications, and no emails. Peace like I haven’t felt in since I was in Mexico in August .

    black woman in a chair on a balcony with legs crossed. Radical Self Care as a Black woman

    That peace allowed me to focus on myself,my vision, and my wins. I was able to block out all distractions and just be. Nothing else mattered but my wants, needs, and desires. It was transformative and very much needed. I have been told many times that I do not celebrate my wins. Like a machine, I keep moving to the next thing. No more. 

    black woman sitting on a chair with legs crossed hugging herself.Radical Self Care as a Black woman

    Almost 6 years ago I reinvented myself and I have not looked back. I authored a workbook journal telling my story to empower others and the reviews make me shed a tear every time. I have created virtual workshops for Black women and femmes to see themselves as the standard of beauty and celebrate their sensuality. I have created spaces for other amazing talented Black boudoir photographers to showcase their work. I am surrounded by other womxn that want to see me succeed beyond my wildest dreams. 

    I am extremely grateful for what I have and for what I am creating for the future. If you want to take this healing, loving, and affirming journey with me make sure you sign up for the newsletter and get a copy of The Reinvention Workbook Journal. Remember self-care is not selfish, it is selfless. Radical Self Care as a Black woman.

    black woman laying on her back on a sofa with her hand on her lip.Radical Self Care as a Black woman

    images of the same Black women with the name Olesha spelled out in the center
  • Ohexperience

    Laughter is the best medicine

    There is so much I can say about Jacquay, aka Mrs. Idris Elba, but the number one thing is I love her damn laugh! It is so infectious that you can’t help but laugh along with her. She has an amazing imagination. Jacquay made up an entire story about feeling like a Lieutenant Govern’s wife. She even made up what he would be wearing! I enjoyed her experience because we never stopped laughing. Listen to her speaking about the experience and getting her products below. Enjoy!

    Black woman laying back onto a green sofa. Her hand is on her chest and the other hand on her thigh. She is looking up at the camera
    black woman with black silk sheet wrapped around her body. Her hand is on her chest and the other grips the sheet on her leg
    black woman with her head on a bronze metal headboard.
    images of the same Black women with the name Olesha spelled out in the center
  • black woman smiling hand on cheek

    Tanyisha’s Glam Experience

    Some womxn can be hesitant or do not want to do a boudoir experience, but still want to tap into their sensuality and freedom. Which is perfectly okay sensuality is all about having the confidence to step into your power as a womxn. Tanyisha one half of the amazing sister duo, Class & Style Productions, gave me the honor helping her step into her sensuality.

    “I was feeling kind of in a slump so that day and seeing the final product truly helped picked up my spirits and gave me confidence again.”

    I did cry thug tears. Check out this almost 40 hot mama in action!

    black woman resting on a green sofa. Hand on the side of her face
    Black woman in a silver dress on brown wall. Hand on her chest and she is smiling
    Black woman laying on her side in pink night gown
    black woman in ink lingerie laying on her stomach smiling
  • Ohexperience

    Get That Old Thang Back!

    Working with mothers is such a wonderful experience. I love it because when we talk about the crazy and funny antics their little or big ones get into their faces just glow! Their eyes shine bright, a smile appears and they are caught in the beautiful memory.

    This is the same feeling I recreate with a glam experience. You being caught up in the moment of seeing yourself not as a mommy, but as a beautiful womxn. A womxn that gets to define her narrative of what motherhood is to her.

    Make sure to sign up for the newsletter, to be notified when the images from this fabulous glam experience go up!

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