Black woman in red lingerie laying on wood floor

Theresa’s Boudoir Experience

Theresa made the choice to come in for her boudoir experience after years of struggling with body image issues.
“I chose to do this experience to remind myself that while I may not have the body I think I should have, I have this one and it is perfectly fine as is.”

black woman in blue and black lingerie laying on green couch

How did you feel during your boudoir experience?
“I was anxious at first. My palms and feet were sweating! But as we kept going and I saw the images along the way, I built confidence in myself. By the end of the experience I felt amazing! “

Laughing black woman in black sparkle lingerie sitting on chair

Why would you suggest every Black womxn do their own boudoir experience?
“…because it feels like liberation! I felt true joy during the session and I am excited for my images, but more importantly to love myself through the images.”

Nude Black Woman laying on teal satin sheets
Black woman standing in black sparkle lingerie

I guide Black women in loving and honoring their bodies as they are now through boudoir photography in my female lead private Maryland studio.

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