• Self Portraits

    My body is magnificent

    I have not been taking good care of myself. Eating shit that is not healthy. Working until midnight and staring at the computer for hours. This weekend I decided a staycation was in order. I packed my things and headed to Baltimore making a promise to myself to leave social media alone! I read, watched Coming to America, and read some more. I finished 2 novellas and a book. Even found a new author, Jessica Cage.

    I tell womxn to invest in their radical self-care on a daily basis and I was not doing the same for myself. I am going to start doing better because I have no other choice. If I want to make sure I am creating safe spaces. I have to make sure I am creating a nurturing and safe space for myself too.

    I will be doing a series of images from this staycation. Be sure to come back and check it out.

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