• Black woman boudoir photographer
    A day in the life of Olesha,  Healing Journey

    6 years in the making

    Image of Facebook screenshot from 6 years ago


    Facebook does an amazing job of reminding you where you were when your life changes. Sometimes for the better and sometimes it could have been the worst day of your life. 

    6 years ago today my life changed dramatically. I was living in my own Lifetime Movie.  I was driving home to Baltimore and was in a major car accident. Two weeks prior I had miscarried twins.

     My car was clipped and I spun out across 4 lanes of traffic. I flipped and the only thing that saved me from continuing to flip was an exit sign on the highway.

    Shook doesn’t even begin to describe my feelings. The car had to be stabilized and I had to crawl out the broken back window. When I saw my car, I couldn’t believe I was able to walk to the ambulance. 

    After I got over my shock I was mad as shit. I had just paid off that damn car the month before and had a full tank of gas. Now my car was totaled. 

     To round this all out I found out, that same day, my ex-husband had betrayed me and was on a cruise with someone else. The only word I can use to describe this time in my life is numb. 

    Healing Takes Time 

    I choose myself after 6 months.

    I forgave myself after 2 years.

    It took me 3 years to love myself.

    It has taken 6 years to get me to this point in my life where I truly feel grateful to me, for not giving up on me. 

    Facebook reminded me today with this post that it has taken 6 years to get here. 

    Healing from multiple traumas takes time. It’s not a one-size-fits-all. Some people never truly heal. They just learn to live in a perpetual state of survival. 

    I could have done that. I wanted more for myself. 

    Whomever you are I want more for you. I want you to move into your version of thrive mode. I want you to know it is possible. Yes, there will be challenges, but the rewards are so much sweeter. 

    I want you to know I know you can do it. It has taken me 6 years to get here. 

    If you are interested in learning more about my story and starting your journey on self-healing start here. 

    images of the same Black women with the name Olesha spelled out in the center
  • images of the same black woman in lingerie and sitting on the arm of a yellow sofa
    A day in the life of Olesha,  Healing Journey

    Olesha Haskett of Ohexperience Boudoir Photography: 5 Things You Need To Heal After a Dramatic Loss Or Life Change

    5 Things You Need To Heal After a Dramatic Loss Or Life Change is about sharing your most painful moments in life for others to thrive and not just survive. Sharing your pain is never easy. It doesn’t matter if it happened 10 minutes or 20 years ago. The beauty in sharing your healing story is someone can see your growth and know it is possible for them too. I was asked to be a part of a series on healing from a dramatic loss by sharing 5 things I needed to heal. If you do not know my full story I talk briefly about my losses in the article. This is my truth and I am sharing it with the world.

    Click here to read the article. If you are interested in starting your healing and self-love journey get a copy here. Healing yourself is not linear, it is cyclical. My favorite part of the article is here:

    Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

    My favorite Life Lesson Quote is you are your longest and most expensive relationship. Investing in yourself is never time or money wasted. This quote has been relevant in my life because there was a time when I just let myself go. I was stuck, depressed, and felt like I was failing at life. I was nourishing a failing relationship and doing nothing for the relationship I had with myself. Putting another person’s needs before my own and seriously struggling with my mental, financial and spiritual health.

    I hope you enjoy and start your journey to healing today. Not because you deserve it, but because you exist. The video is an added bonus with my top 5 tips! Let me know in the comments which one is your favorite.

    images of the same Black women with the name Olesha spelled out in the center
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