  • Ohexperience

    Mashana’s Boudoir Experience

    What is one thing you always hear in the testimonials? I felt comfortable.
    Being comfortable enough to express all parts of your sensual personality is my goal.
    This brings me so much joy! Too often we are not able to love all parts of our bodies as it is now. Sometimes because of society.
    Sometimes because we don’t know-how.
    Sometimes because we have forgotten.
    At the end of the video, MaShana says, ” It felt freeing, fulfilling, comfortable and empowering. So you should do it.”

    Black woman with gold foil embellishments.
    Black woman with gold foil embellishments, looking into camera.
    Black woman with gold foil embellishments, wrapped in blue iridescent fabric, laughing.
  • black woman with dreadlocs, black lace bodysuit

    Charmina’s Boudoir Experience

    “It brought out the sexiness in me that I didn’t think that I had. As ladies, as mothers, sometimes we forget about us because we’re taking care of the home, the husbands… we get put to the side.”

    Black Woman in black lace lingerie sitting on a stool.

    “One of my girlfriends her experience and I jumped on the chance to work with Olesha”

    Black woman laying in red lace lingerie.
    black woman with dreadlocs, black lace bodysuit

    “Thank you Olesha for making me feel powerful, feminine, and strong!” She made me feel like straight royalty.”

    What’s Charmina’s testimonial below!

  • Boudoir Tips

    3 Boudoir Myths Debunked

    1. Boudoir is centered around the male gaze!
      I would have to say that there are more womxn boudoir photographers than men boudoir photographers. Many photographers see boudoir as a way to empower their clients. Contrary to society, women love to celebrate their bodies too. Yes, some women do a boudoir experience to keep the fire burning in their relationships or for a groom’s gifts. But overall my clients have been in a major  life transition and want to celebrate this new version of themselves. That has nothing to do with men.
    1. Only people with fit bodies should do a boudoir experience.
      This is simply not true at all!  All bodies are welcomed and encouraged to do boudoir experiences. Boudoir like sexy has no damn size! How ever you show up with your beautiful body is exactly what it should be. This is a time to celebrate you as you are.
    1. Only people who have modeled before should do boudoir experiences.
      WHAT, no! That is why you hire professional boudoir photographers. A professional boudoir photographer will understand what poses are flattering for your body. They will also guide you by showing you the poses first and make sure you are comfortable.
    PLUS size black woman with box braids in a black velvet bra and panty set. She has on green heels and a luxe tulle sand color robe.
  • Black woman lounging on floor in tan rulle robe

    Chauna’s Boudoir Experience

    “I’m a big fan of her work, so I jumped at the chance to work with her.” and we are so happy you did Chauna!

    Black woman standing in a tan tulle robe.

    How did you feel during your boudoir experience?
    “I feel safe, comfortable, and beautiful! “

    Black woman in gold jewelry.
    Black woman lounging on wood floor in tan tulle robe and gold jewelry.

    Why would you suggest every Black womxn do their own boudoir experience?
    “Olesha is a professional who brings out the best in her clients. Her work is superb, some of the best photographs I’ve ever taken.”

    black woman in gold crown and tan tulle robe.
    black woman standing in tan tulle robe.
  • Boudoir Tips

    Top 5 Reasons Why You Can’t Do A Boudoir Session

    Having your own boudoir experience is not just brave, but it can boost your confidence by 1,000%! In this video, I am going to give you all the reasons people have told me why they are hesitant to do their own. Do you hear one you have given in the past?

    1. I AM TOO OLD
      Who told you that? There is no age limit on having your own boudoir session. I know photographers who have captured women well into their 70’s. I often think of boudoir as a legacy you get to pass down to the younger generation. You get to show them examples of loving all parts of you. 
      One of the reasons you work with a professional photographer is because our contracts protect you, the client, and us the professional photographer. That contract should state that written permission from you has to be given before any images can be shared. Your privacy is one of our top priorities. 
      And you won’t! Boudoir clothing can be much more than barely there lingerie. You can wear tank tops, caftans, t-shirts, or even a sweater. You can wear whatever makes you feel comfortable because there are no rules. Only the ones you make when it comes to what you want to wear. 
      The only people that matter when it comes to your boudoir session is you. You get to decide if you will share this experience with others. You get to decide how your images are showcased in your home. Everyone can have an opinion about you and your life, but its up to you to live your life as you want. You don’t need approval from anyone to do anything that can bring you joy and make you feel empowered. Period!
      You will not be alone. Your photographer is your personal hype person for the day! That is why it is so very important to find a photographer that you vibe with. Check their social media pages, look at client testimonials and set up a phone or video consultation.