Boudoir Tips


As a Black woman, I understand the statistics about us. 80% of Black households are run by Black women. On the other side of this is we are the fastest-growing segment of the population for growing businesses. We are also the most educated. Do you know what this really means, we are FUCKING TIRED. Literally we are tired of being everything for everyone and not doing enough for ourselves.

I am 34 years old and I tell you I still have moments when I feel bad for buying something for myself. This stems from my past relationship and I know that. I recently bought a purse and didn’t take off the tag because it felt like a very indulgent purchase. Here is the crazy thing, I am a single woman with no children and I still second-guessed this purchase! So I know other women who have the same dilemma I did. Then I remembered that I deserve to have beautiful things, amazing experiences, and be to be spoiled.

Having a boudoir experience can feel like a self – indulgent leap for you. You are literally doing something that is ALL about you. All about identifying your version of sexy. Embracing your divine feminity and making your own choices. This can be very scary because it can be easy to make decisions for others, but not for when it comes to investing in ourselves.

Having your own boudoir experience will change you. Change you in ways that can be subtle or profound. No matter the type of change it always takes place and it is amazing to see. Amazing to hear the stories, witness the tears of joy and see the excitement in a Beautie’s eyes. Witness the love she has for herself when she is able to see herself as a beautiful Black goddess worthy of praise.

Now in order to get to this point, she has to get over a few barriers. Here are the top 3 barriers I hear for not having a boudoir experience:

I guide Black women in loving and honoring their bodies as they are now through boudoir photography in my female lead private Maryland studio.

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